Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove Sunset
I slept the latest so far since I had been in Hawai'i. I woke up at 4:51.... still before my alarm went off. Another uneventful, but still beautiful morning. I think every morning, I ate breakfast out on the porch. Every night except one, I also slept with my window open. Both the days and nights were always so beautiful the whole time I was in Hawai'i.
After our morning porch sharing, we had a class on hidden features in Adobe Photoshop CS6. Many of them I knew, some of them I had forgotten about or forgotten how to do and a few were new features I didn't know about. I always learn something every time our leaders are teaching us, even if it's something I've heard before. There are so many things to learn, I can never remember them all.
With that being said, our afternoon instruction was about enhancing and embellishing iphone photos with iphone apps. I don't have an iphone, but did see a lot of really cool iphone pictures during this workshop. Even though I can't currently use this information, I've now heard it once so next time it should sink in better. While I was listening, I was also editing... but I still heard most of it. When I do finally switch to a smartphone, I just may have to get an iphone.... it's pretty cool what you can do with them.

About mid-afternoon, we headed out for another sunset shoot at Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove again. Even though we had just been there a couple nights ago, I found several new things to take pictures of. This time, I looked around inside and on the street side of the
grove more than on the ocean side. As sunset came closer, I did wander on to the beach again, but I didn't go out in the water this time. I took a lot of silhouette photos during and after this sunset. During the sunset, it was a really warm orange. Shortly after the sun disappeared, it turned a cool, beautiful blueish/purple color. Tonight were my favorite sunset silhouette photos.
After dinner tonight, a fellow classmate taught us how to do night sky shooting. I have tried this a couple times, but not been real successful. He made it so easy to do and get great images. I only took a couple basic images since, again, I didn't have my tripod to get the shots I would have liked to have tried. He even explained how to do star trails as well. None of us actually tried the star trails since we had a sunrise shoot in the morning, but it's something I will have to try sometime soon.
Continue on to Mo'omomi Sunrise Shoot & Hula or go back to the Main Page.