Kanakakai Wharf and One Ali'i Beach Sunrise Shoot
Another early morning for another sunrise shoot. This is our final photo shoot of the workshop. We head out to Kanakakai Wharf before the sun comes up. There are several boats tied up and a beautiful view out over the water. I stop and talk to a couple who were cleaning their boat. They asked what was going on, why there were so many people with cameras around so early. We stayed for about 1/2 hour before going back to One Ali'i Beach Park for the actual sunrise.
We had just been at One Ali'i Beach Park last night for our sunset hula dancers shoot, but this morning, we were focusing in the opposite direction. The pictures I got were completely different from last night. Both sets are so beautiful. The sunrise on the calm water was beautiful, such a complete contrast to the sunrise we saw yesterday at Mo'omomi Beach.
Without having the hula dancers to focus on, I started focusing on more details of the area. Looking to the south, you can see the island of Lanai. There were also several clear jelly fish, I believe, that had washed up on the beach. Also, just as with sunsets, I got some sunrise silhouettes.
After breakfast, we had one last instructional time. It was about how to share our photos. The ways of getting them out of the iphone or computer to websites, videos, or other ways of sharing. What good is a photo if it's stuck on your device.

After lunch, we had free time to tweak photos for a slideshow of the pictures we've taken throughout the week or whatever else we wanted to do. One of the Hui staff had to go in to Kaunakakai to get some groceries for dinner and asked if anyone wanted to go along. I figured I had enough photos edited, and we would only be gone 30 minutes or so... why not see downtown. We had driven through town several times throughout the week, but never actually went down main street. One other classmate and I decided to go. It only took a few minutes to get there.
The grocery store was our first stop. Definitely not the type of grocery store most people would be used to going to. Small and a bit crowded, but it had what was needed. It reminded me of Humm's Market, a small grocery store we used to have back home in Falls City, NE that went out of business many years ago. The prices are a bit different though. For an idea, a gallon of milk costs around $8.75.
After we were done in the grocery store, I had a little time to wander downtown while Sparky got a few more things. It didn't take long, there were probably about a dozen or so businesses lined up in about a 2 block area. A nice, quaint downtown that reminded me of a lot of the small towns back home. I stopped in a little gift shop / snorkeling store and bought some post cards to take back home.
We got back to the Hui and I started finishing up my photos for the evening. We had to pick 10 - 12 "pretty" pictures from the week and 10 - 12 "fun" pictures that anyone could say anything about - quite often the people pictures of classmates. How to narrow down 5,000 pictures to 20 - 24. Somehow, I did it. After dinner, we got to see everyone's photos they had chosen. Of course, I was proud of my photos, mostly all photo-realistic... which is my style, but doing them in alphabetical order meant mine were close to the end. After seeing so many of the others that were absolutely awesome, mine didn't seem quite as great to me anymore. Of course, others seemed to think they were great the same as they thought everyone else's were. We had a lot of fun with many of the "fun" photos.
The slideshow got over about 10:00, a little later than most nights... but for our last night, it was worth it. This was the first night all week that I had any trouble getting to sleep. The last time I looked at my clock, it was past midnight. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had gone on all week and especially all the friends that I had made and would be leaving tomorrow.
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